Deconstructing the Mystery CD
I typically rely upon my iPod to furnish music in the car when not listening to news or sports talk. Why listen to a commercial station when I have my own dedicated one with thousands of songs, all preferential to my taste and selection? Even with the iPod, I’ve still on occasion burned my own playlist CD’s, usually on a whim or to provide friends with requested tunes. The other day, while searching for auto insurance credentials in my glove compartment (no, I didn’t get stopped for a traffic violation), I came across a single blue Maxell CD with a Sharpie-written question mark upon it. Clearly, I recognized the writing form of the question mark and determined it to be mine, although I had no memory of what might be on it or when it was burned. Since a road trip to Southern California was a day away, I would take it along and review what gems or otherwise I had selected for this mysterious play list. My good friend “Neighbor” is the CEO of burning discs. He has prov...