Bay Area Eats - Beijing Duck House
It will come as no surprise to readers of this blog that I’m not in love with the San Francisco Bay Area, my home for nearly the past 40 years. Incredibly pretentious, over-priced, and over-rated, I’d leave in a heartbeat if I had consensus from my family. The Bay Area has provided me with a home and a career with limited complaint. That, but absolutely no civic pride or happiness whatsoever. The late, great W.C. Fields purportedly wanted to put on his tombstone, “All things considered, I’d rather be in Philadelphia;” his hatred for his home town clearly evident, but when weighed against death perhaps a different priority. I can’t imagine adopting the same sentiment about my adopted home. While I can’t get excited about much the area has to offer (I’m bored by it all; what can I say?), I do have lots of go-to restaurants that I enjoy, and that I’d probably miss when (if) I move(d) away. I’ll focus on my favorite Chinese restaurant; my family enjoys it, and it’s a place that ...